Silver spring township building permit application

Agricultural plowing and tilling are exempt from the requirements of this chapter, provided the activities are performed according to the requirements of 25 Pa. Code Chapter 102.

Forest management and timber operations are exempt from the requirements of this chapter, provided the activities are performed according to the requirements of 25 Pa. Code Chapter 102.

Stormwater management plans shall be prepared by professionals registered in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to perform such duties. Designs which entail engineering expertise shall be prepared by engineers with appropriate expertise. The plan shall show, be accompanied by, or be prepared in accordance with the following:

The plan shall be clearly and legibly drawn at a scale of 10 feet, 20 feet, 30 feet, 40 feet, or 50 feet to the inch. Profile plans shall maintain a ratio of 1:10 vertical to horizontal.

The sheet size shall be 18 inches by 24 inches. If the plan is prepared in two or more sections, a key map showing the location of the sections shall be placed on each sheet. If more than one sheet is necessary, each sheet shall be numbered to show the relationship to the total number of sheets in the plan (e.g., Sheet 1 of 5).

Plans shall be legible in every detail. Name and address of landowner, applicant and individual who prepared the plan. Plan date and date of latest revision to plan, North point, graphic scale and written scale.

A location map, drawn to scale, relating the property to at least two intersections of existing road center lines, including the approximate distance to the intersection of the center lines of the nearest existing street intersection.

Note on plan indicating any area that is proposed to be offered for dedication to the Township. Any area that is easemented and not to be offered for dedication shall be identified, along with a statement that the Township is not responsible for the maintenance of any area not dedicated to and accepted for public use.

Certificate, signed and sealed by an individual registered in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and qualified to perform such duties, indicating compliance with the provisions of this chapter (see Appendix No. 3[1]).

Editor's Note: Appendix No. 3 is an attachment to this chapter.

Provisions for permanent access or maintenance easements as determined necessary by the Township for all physical SWM BMPs, such as but not limited to ponds and infiltration structures, to implement the operation and maintenance plan discussed in Subsection A(10) below.

The SWM site plan shall provide an operation and maintenance (O&M) plan for all proposed physical stormwater management facilities (see Appendix 5[2]). This plan shall address long-term ownership and responsibilities for operation and maintenance as well as schedules for O&M activities.

Editor's Note: Appendix No. 5 is an attachment to this chapter. Existing features.

Tract boundaries showing distances, bearings and curve data, as located by field survey or deed plotting, total acreage of tract, and total acreage of project if less than the entire tract.

Existing contours, at a minimum vertical interval of two feet for land with average natural slope of 4% or less and at a minimum vertical interval of five feet for more steeply sloping land. Contours shall be accompanied by the location of the bench mark within or immediately adjacent to the subject tract and a notation indicating the datum used. The United States Geodetic Survey shall be used for bench mark datum.

Names of all owners of all immediately adjacent land, names of all proposed or existing developments immediately adjacent, and locations and dimensions of any streets or easements shown thereon.

Names, locations and dimensions of all existing buildings, street rights-of-way, railroads, utilities, watercourses, drainage facilities, floodplains, wetland, on-lot sewage disposal facilities, easements, and other significant features located either within and adjacent to the property or 200 feet from the property.

The size, slope, capacity, and condition of the existing stormwater management system and any other facility that may be used to convey storm flows.

Soil types as designated by the United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Soil Survey of Cumberland County.

Designation of the location of on-site and off-site subwatersheds. Designation of the location of the time of concentration for the on-site and off-site subwatersheds. Proposed features.

Proposed land use, total number of lots and dwelling units, and extent of commercial, industrial or other nonresidential uses.

Locations and dimensions of all proposed streets, sidewalks, lot lines, building locations, parking compounds, impervious and semi-impervious surfaces, sanitary sewer facilities, water facilities, stormwater management facilities, utilities and other significant features. This information shall be provided to the detail necessary to construct the facilities.

Proposed changes to land surface and vegetative cover, including areas to be cut or filled.

Proposed topographical data. This information shall be provided by contour lines indicating the existing and proposed grades of the site. Contour lines shall be provided at two-foot vertical intervals for slopes of 4% or less and at vertical intervals of five feet for more steeply sloping land.

Plans and profiles of proposed stormwater management facilities, including horizontal and vertical location. Additionally, a detail with all pertinent construction requirements shall be provided for outlet structures. This information shall be of the quality required for the construction of all facilities.

The size, slope, capacity, material, elevation and condition of the proposed stormwater management system and other facility that may be used to convey storm flows. This information shall include invert elevations and top-of-grate elevations.

Plans and profiles of all erosion and sedimentation control measures, temporary as well as permanent.

Designation of the location of on-site subwatersheds. Designation of the location of the time of concentration for the on-site subwatersheds. Written report and calculations.

Calculations, assumptions, criteria, methodology and references used in the design of stormwater management facilities, the establishment of capacities, and the predevelopment and post-development peak discharge. This information shall include data on all subwatersheds.

For all basins, a plotting or tabulation of the storage volumes and discharge curves with corresponding water surface elevations, inflow hydrographs, and outflow hydrographs.

Soil structures and characteristics shall be provided for all proposed groundwater recharge systems and detention or retention basins which: (a) hold two acre feet or more of water; or (b) have an embankment that is six feet or more in height. Plans and data prepared by a registered professional experienced and educated in soil mechanics shall be submitted. This data shall provide design solutions for frost heave potential, spring-swell potential, soil-bearing strength, water infiltration, soil-settling characteristics, fill and backfilling procedures and soil treatment techniques as required to protect the improvements or structures. The following requirements apply to all proposed groundwater recharge methods of stormwater management, such as seepage pits, beds, trenches, leaching wells, and cisterns:

Representative percolation tests must be made throughout the proposed area. At least one percolation test must be included in each soil group and at least one percolation test must be conducted for each five lots proposed for development. Testing, in general, should follow the same guidelines as though testing for an on-lot septic system.

Seepage pits, beds or trenches shall not be permitted for any development of more than five lots without prior approval of the Township.

Copies of an approved erosion and sediment control plan and post-construction stormwater management plan, associated plan narratives and long-term operation and maintenance documents. These plans shall include a description of all erosion and sedimentation control measures, temporary as well as permanent, including the staging of land-moving activities, sufficient in detail to clearly indicate their function. All erosion and sedimentation control measures shall conform to the requirements of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection Erosion and Sediment Control Best Management Practice (BMP) Manual.

Description of an ownership and maintenance program, in a recordable form, that clearly sets forth the ownership and maintenance responsibilities for all temporary and permanent stormwater management facilities, which shall include the following:

Description of the method and extent of the maintenance requirements.

Identification of an individual, corporation, association or other entity responsible for ownership and maintenance.

When maintained by a private entity, a copy of the legally binding document which provides that the Township shall have the right to:

Inspect the facilities at any time.

Require the private entity to take corrective measures and assign the private entity reasonable time periods for any necessary action.

Authorize maintenance to be done by the Township or an agent or contractor of the Township and the liening of the cost of the work against the properties of the private entity responsible for the maintenance.

Establishment of suitable easements for access to stormwater management facilities.

When an assignment of responsibility is made to the Township, it must include an acknowledgement of its formal acceptance of the responsibility.

This document shall be recorded in the office of the Recorder of Deeds for Cumberland County upon issuance of a permit. In all cases, the document shall be recorded prior to the initiation of construction and be fully effective at the post-construction period.

A Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Highway Occupancy Permit for any stormwater management facility proposed within the right-of-way of any state road.

Acknowledgment that an NPDES, DEP permit or other soil erosion and sediment pollution control approval is not required by law, or if such approval is required by law, then a true and correct copy of such approval(s) shall be provided to the Township.

Notification of approval from the applicable state and federal agencies for any proposed encroachment into a wetland.

A schedule for installation of the control measures and devices. In all cases, the proposed stormwater management devices must be completed prior to the construction of additional impervious areas.

Stormwater management plans shall be designed in a manner that is consistent with § 360-40 of Chapter 360, Subdivision and Land Development, and § 345-22V of this chapter, and shall also include the submission of a carbonate assessment report, as required in § 360-14E(11) of Chapter 360, Subdivision and Land Development.