Adopted by the AMA House of Delegates on Dec. 4, 2001, the Declaration of Professional Responsibility is an oath by which 21 st century physicians can publicly uphold and celebrate the ideals that have inspired individuals to enter medicine and earn society's trust in the healing profession.
The duties the Declaration imposes transcend physician roles and specialties, professional associations, geographic boundaries and political divides.
The Declaration's nine duties and obligations speak to physicians in their roles as clinicians, researchers, educators and members of a civil society.
Never in the history of human civilization has the well being of each individual been so inextricably linked to that of every other. Plagues and pandemics respect no national borders in a world of global commerce and travel. Wars and acts of terrorism enlist innocents as combatants and mark civilians as targets. Advances in medical science and genetics, while promising great good, may also be harnessed as agents of evil. The unprecedented scope and immediacy of these universal challenges demand concerted action and response by all.
As physicians, we are bound in our response by a common heritage of caring for the sick and the suffering. Through the centuries, individual physicians have fulfilled this obligation by applying their skills and knowledge competently, selflessly and at times heroically. Today, our profession must reaffirm its historical commitment to combat natural and man-made assaults on the health and well being of humankind. Only by acting together across geographic and ideological divides can we overcome such powerful threats. Humanity is our patient.
We, the members of the world community of physicians, solemnly commit ourselves to:
We make these promises solemnly, freely, and upon our personal and professional honor.
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