Attendance Sheet

Below you will find a free attendance sheet template in different formats to suit anyone. Available in: Word, fillable PDF, Excel, Google Docs, Google Sheets or an image.

Attendance Sheet Template

School Attendance

This student attendance sheet has space for 25 students. You can delete or add lines according to the number of students in your class. Mark the attendance tracker template each day for each student. If you want to personalize the teacher attendance sheet, then select the Word template. You can add more lines or columns, and you can also type each student’s name. The blank attendance template will be ready to use, and you won’t have to add the students’ names each time you use it.

This is a daily attendance sheet for each day of the month. If you don’t need some of the days then leave them blank or mark them with color so you don’t get confused.

This is a monthly attendance chart for up to 18 students per page and up to 31 days per month.

This is a monthly attendance chart (5-day week) for up to 25 students per page.

Student attendance chart

Attendance with contact info

This is a class attendance sheet for any month of the year.

Pretty attendance chart with contact info

This is a basic but pretty attendance log with three columns – student name, contact info and notes.

These templates can be used to collect contact details. Since you can edit the text, you can use it whenever you need 3 columns for any purpose and simply edit the titles.

You will find additional free printable attendance sheets for teachers in our teacher planner.

Simple Attendance page

Blank Attendance form


This is a free printable homeschool attendance tracker for one student. You can use it for an entire month.

homeschool attendance tracker

This is a basic but pretty attendance log with three columns – student name, contact info and notes.

The homeschool attendance record is available in portrait or landscape orientation.


This employee attendance sheet will record attendance for an entire year.

Up to 31 days per month

Employee attendance sheet

attendance template


Up to 31 days per month

Meeting template

Meeting attendance template

meeting contact sheet

This is a basic but pretty attendance log with three columns – student name, contact info and notes.


2 columns for <a href=yes or no questions" width="300" height="400" />

This template can be used for any purpose when you have two yes/no questions.

contact form with questions regarding medical issues and allergies

This template can be used when you need to collect info from participants such as medical issues or allergies. As with the other templates you can edit the fields.


Up to 31 days per month

Attendance Sheet

AA Attendance Template

These sheets are useful when you have to prove that you participated in a certain number of meetings.


Which format should you choose?

If you find a template that meets your needs as-is, then select the attendance sheet PDF or the image file. If you want to edit the attendance chart, then select the Word or Excel format if you use Microsoft Office or the Google Sheets or Google Docs version. In order to calculate the participation rates, then the attendance spreadsheet will probably be your best option. The spreadsheet can calculate the participation rate for each person.

See sign-in sheet for more printables.

How to Create an Attendance Sheet Template in Word

You can create a free printable attendance sheet in Microsoft Word using our templates instead of starting from scratch.

  1. Select the Microsoft Word template closest to the one you would like to create.
  2. If you need to change titles or text, then simply retype the text.
  3. You can add or delete columns or lines if necessary.

Google Sheets Attendance Template

Many of the templates are available in Google Sheets and Google Docs. Even if it isn’t available, you can still open any of the attendance chart templates in Google Sheets.

  1. Select the Excel template you want to use and download it.
  2. Open Google Drive.
  3. Double-click on the Excel file. A preview of your file will open.
  4. At the top, click Open with Google Sheets.
  5. Click File. Save as Google Sheets.
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