Below is a searchable list of notices of need for supplies and nonprofessional services with ALDOT. The list contains notices of need such as Transportation Request for Proposals (TRFP) and Transportation Invitations to Bid (TITB). The dropdown menus filter the list by Status and Region/Bureau. Any or All of these dropdowns can be used to filter the list. In addition, entering search words into the search box will also filter the list.
Notice of Need Maintenance Expiration Notice of Need Maintenance Expiration Notice of Need Region/Bureau Expiration Notice of Need Region/Bureau Expiration Notice of Need Region/Bureau Expiration Notice of Need Region/Bureau Expiration Notice of Need Region/Bureau Expiration Notice of Need Region/Bureau Expiration Notice of Need Region/Bureau Expiration Notice of Need Region/Bureau Expiration Notice of Need Region/Bureau ExpirationNew Vendors will need to register in Alabama Buys. Changes for Alabama Buys vendors must be made by the vendor in Alabama Buys as changes cannot be made in STAARS for Alabama Buys Vendors. New vendors will also need to go to There, new vendors can contact the Alabama Buys help desk at 334-353-0700 or for assistance.
Existing vendors that have been migrated to Alabama Buys from STAARS should check their information and must make any updates/changes in Alabama Buys to be able to receive payment from ALDOT.
Existing vendors that have not been migrated to Alabama Buys from STAARS will need to request to be migrated by contacting the Alabama Buys Help desk at 334-353-0070. Requests for migration must be made by the vendor. Once migrated, any updates/changes will need to be made by the vendor in Alabama Buys.