Duke University strives to foster an atmosphere of honesty and trust in which pursuit of knowledge can occur. Integrity of research forms the foundation of respect among scholars and students and between the academic world and the public. All members of the university community share responsibility for maintaining this climate of trust.
The Duke University Policy and Procedures Governing Misconduct in Research establish how allegations or evidence of possible research misconduct will be addressed. The standing committees on Misconduct in Research are charged with administering the Duke University Policy and Procedures Governing Misconduct in Research.
The two Misconduct Review Officers listed below are designated by the institution as responsible for assessing allegations of research misconduct to determine if they fall within the definition of research misconduct as defined in University policy and warrant an inquiry, overseeing inquires and investigations and providing administrative support for the standing committees on Misconduct in Research.
Research misconduct is defined in accordance with federal policy as:
Handling or Reporting Misconduct
Any member of the Duke community (student, postdoc, faculty member, or staff) having reason to believe that a researcher has committed misconduct in research should report the matter, in writing, to the researcher's department chair, section chairperson, division chief, dean, or the appropriate Misconduct Review Officer (MRO). Allegations addressed to other than a MRO shall be promptly forwarded to the appropriate MRO, who will immediately notify the appropriate administrative officials of the allegation.
Misconduct Review Officers
Medical Center Personnel | Campus Schools Personnel |
Donna Kessler, PhD | Jennifer Francis, PhD |
Research Integrity Officer, DUMC | Executive Vice Provost |
Hock Plaza, 2424 Erwin Road, Suite 405 | 220 Allen Building, Box 90005 |
919-668-5115 | 919-613-6814 |
donna.kessler@duke.edu | jfrancis@duke.edu |
Reporting Concerns Related to Compliance or Fraud
Duke staff, medical staff, students or contractors can call either of the toll-free compliance hotlines to report information related to suspected fraud activities or compliance violations. These hotlines are operated by an outside company and are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Calls can be made anonymously and will not be recorded or traced. Follow up contact with individuals making reports will only be made with their permission. For DUHS and Duke Medicine, please call 1-800-826-8109. For Duke, call 1-800-849-9793.
Speak Up Reporting
It takes courage to come forward. Retaliation for reporting concerns in good faith is strictly prohibited. If you witness or are asked to participate in actions that are not consistent with our values, tell someone. Ask your supervisor, department head, dean, ombudsman, an advisor, a colleague or a friend for advice.
If you prefer, you can contact 800.826.8109 to discuss your question or report your concern. The toll-free number is a confidential, and anonymous if you choose, service provided 24 hours per day, 365 days per year. A third-party administers this service and refers the information to the appropriate audit or compliance office for follow-up action.
Duke takes all reported concerns seriously and safeguards the identities of those providing information. Duke commits to conducting a fair and expeditious inquiry and to use any information to correct errors, make improvements, and ensure accountability. Should illegal activity be suspected or confirmed, the university has a duty to report those facts to the appropriate authorities.
NIH Guidelines for the Appropriate Treatment of NIH Research Trainees
Office of Postdoctoral Services - Resources