Renewal Packet Instructions

Each year, we must see if you qualify for coverage. We will send you a Renewal Packet. It will tell you everything we know about your household. We need you to check the facts we have listed and tell us about any changes that happened in the last year.

Do you need help with completing the Renewal Packet? The instructions below can help you. Or download the Renewal Packet Instructions in English or in Spanish.

Do you need to report changes or send information to TennCare? This page tells you how to send us proof or information we need from you.

This Instruction Packet is meant to help you with completing the Renewal Packet. Each Renewal Packet has a bar-code for the household. If you need a copy of the Renewal Packet, call TennCare Connect at 855-259-0701 to request a reprint.

These instructions are written as if the head of household is filling out the Renewal Packet. If you are filling the Renewal Packet out for the head of household, you should fill it out from that person’s point of view.

The Renewal Packet will show questions based on the details we have about you and your household. You may not see all of the questions below on your Renewal Packet if we don’t have those details on file for you or your household.

Remember to print your name, date of birth, and your case number on any proof you send in with the Renewal Packet.

You can get help making copies of any document we request at any Department of Human Services (DHS) office.

What if you need help in person with your renewal packet?

This section lists information about you and your household. Review the information for your household.

Do the people listed below still live together?

This section lists the individuals we have on file as living in your household. This is everyone we know of in your household. It also lists your home address and mailing address. Please review the information of each person listed. If you need more space, you can attach a sheet of paper. Remember to write your name and case number on every page you send us.

If you need to add a person to your household who wants to apply, use the Appendix A attachment.

Your household may include the following people:

Children Under 21 also include:

You DON’T have to include the following people:

If we have a Social Security Number (SSN), the SSN field will read “On File”. If we are missing a SSN, that field will be blank. If the SSN field is blank next to anyone’s name, write in their SSN.

You don’t need to enter a Social Security Number (SSN) for family members who don’t want health coverage. We’ll keep all the information you provide private and secure as required by law. We’ll use personal information only to see if you and your household qualify for coverage.

Tell us about the relationships between the people in your household. This helps us understand who lives with you. It also helps us decide the kind of coverage you may qualify for. Enter the relationship in the space provided. Relationships could be mother, father, brother, sister, children, stepchildren, grandmother, grandfather, aunt, and uncle.

If Hispanic/Latino, check the box to tell us your ethnicity (Check all that apply).

Tell us about your ethnicity. It will not affect your eligibility decision.

Check the box to tell us your race (Check all that apply).

Tell us about your race. It will not affect your eligibility decision.

Are there other people living with you that are not listed above?

If you would like to apply for coverage for anyone in your household, use Appendix A to tell us more about them.

If you have people living in your household that are not listed and not applying, we still need to know. Tell us in the space provided:

Remember, if you need more space, please attach a separate sheet of paper.

If any of the people you add want to apply to Katie Beckett, they must go online to

Are you a US citizen or a US national? Has citizenship or immigration status changed for you or anyone in your household since last year?

We need to know if you or anyone in your household’s immigration status has changed. If it hasn’t changed, check “No”. If anyone in your household now has a different immigration status, tell us their new status, and the immigration document number. You may need to send us proof of the new immigration status. You do not need to tell us the immigration status for family members who don’t need health coverage.

Tell us if you are a US citizen. If you are not a US citizen or a US national, do you have an eligible immigration status? Tell us “Yes” or “No”. Also tell us:

Have you lived in the US since 1996? Tell us “Yes” or “No”.

Are you or your spouse or parent, a veteran or an active duty member of the US military? Tell us “Yes” or “No”.

Are the household address(es) and phone number(s) shown below correct?

Review and confirm your home address and mailing address that we have listed. If you have moved or your mailing address has changed, tell us your new home address and/or mailing address in the space provided.

Is everyone in the household a Tennessee Resident? Are you temporarily living out of state?

Members must be a Tennessee resident to be eligible for TennCare. Tell us if you or anyone in your household is not a Tennessee resident. Or if you or anyone in your household is temporarily living out of state. Tell us if you plan to return to Tennessee and the date.

Is anyone in your household in jail or prison?

Tell us the name of any person listed in the Renewal Packet that’s currently in jail or prison. If a person is in jail or prison, it does not mean they are not eligible for TennCare. The person may be able to keep TennCare if they meet other eligibility rules.

Why do we ask for this information? The person in jail may be counted toward your household size. If a person is in jail or prison, the household size can change for you or other members listed on the Renewal Packet. If no one listed on the renewal packet is in jail or prison, this should be left blank.

What language do you read and write best in?

Tell us if you read and write best in English or Spanish. We will send your notices in the language you choose.

This section asks about tax information for you and your household for the next time you file taxes. Complete the tables provided in the Renewal Packet.

Does anyone in the household plan to file a federal income tax return the next time taxes are due?

Tell us if you plan to file a federal income tax return next year. This may be different from the tax records you already sent the IRS.

Tell us the name of the person(s) filing the tax return. If the person will file jointly, write the name of the spouse and tell us if this person lives outside the home. If the person filing will claim dependents on the tax return, write the name and date of birth for each dependent. If you need more space, you can attach a sheet of paper. Remember to write your name and case number on every page you send us.

Do any dependents live outside of your household?

Tell us the name(s) and birth dates of the dependents.

Will anyone in the household be claimed as a tax dependent by someone else the next time taxes are due?

Tell us the name of the tax dependent, the tax filer’s name and relationship to this person, and if the tax filer and the tax dependent live together.

Do you have tax questions? Visit the IRS website at

Do you or anyone in the household pay any expense that can be deducted from your federal income tax return like student loan interest, military moving expenses, or alimony paid?

List the expense. And tell us how much and how often. There are certain expenses you can use to lower your gross income called deductions. These deductions are allowed by the IRS. You don’t have to be a tax filer to get these deductions. These deductions are things like: